The First Phasers
by Richard A. Coyle
The First Phaser Ones
by Richard A. Coyle
The First Phaser Ones, Foot Note
by Timothy Leming
The Blade Runner Blaster - Updated
by Richard A. Coyle
Lost In Space Laser
by Richard A. Coyle
How to: Light Saber
by Scott Saunders
Film Locations: Logan's Run
by Jackie Taylor
Old Cons.: LA Convention '80s
by Richard A. Coyle
by Richard A. Coyle
by Roger Farnham
On The Set: Alex Mack
by Burk Sauls
Location: Generations
by Richard Vaughan
A Short Story by Jackie Taylor
A 'Star Wars' Prop
by Arron Mack
Editor: Craig Kovach
Editor In Chief:
Richard A. Coyle